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Feb. 17, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – February 17, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Rud Mason, Richard Bisk and Tom Sullivan along with alternate Ann Neuburg.

        Doug Andrysick in for an ANR at 16 Wheeler Road, owned by Lawrence and Victoria Hawks. They created a single lot combining their existing house lot with an abutting rear lot; fee paid $100 money order. Board voted AIF to endorse and signed plan and 3 copies.
7:35 PM  Stephen and Heather Bukovsky in from Hunt & Gather Antiques/Consignment Shop at 194 Worcester Road, with Dawn Ertel for Dawn’s Delights Cafe in the same building. Bldg. Inspector John Wilson in also, as he’s considered the Café as a different ‘use’ from what was described on the Hunt & Gather site plan. The PB members asked for description of her business. John M. explained the reasons and parameters of site plan review and noted that conditions on the antique shop site plan may be the same for the café. Building owner Bruce Jacobson explained that the café is sub-letting the space from the antique shop and should come under the same site plan.
        Dawn outlined her menu as mainly baked goods and coffee. She is permitted in Holden for a residential kitchen and explained she doesn’t anticipate serving food outside, so no additional lighting or traffic/parking issues. Hours were 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. but she wants earlier coffee sales to start at 6 or 7 a.m. on Wednesday – Sunday.
        Tom D. asked her to outline all products, days and hours of operation and come in with a proposal for site plan review.
7:55 PM  Steve B. wanted to discuss use of extra space in his shop. John M. noted that Village Overlay District encourages mixed uses in the Worcester Road business district.
        Nina N. said people should come to her office first with proposals, if they have a question, to streamline the process. John W. complained that no one told him when Hunt & Gather first moved into building. He gives applicants a checklist when they make an initial request, since he is charged with building, construction and safety issues and access/egress as well as zoning and potential “change of use” issues.
        Steve discussed plans to use a function room for an indoor farmers market, or for classes etc. and John M. told him to draw up a plan indicating where everything will be sited, lighting, hours, trash, parking etc. as specified in Zoning Sect. XII “Site Plan.” Steve will be on the agenda for the March 2 meeting, along with Dawn.
8:20 PM  The PB discussed the Berube food truck and agreed to hold off any action until selectmen consider the issue at next BOS meeting, although PB would be willing to have an informal discussion with Berubes if~requested. As John W. requested a clarification of “restaurant” in the zoning definitions to address food trucks, the PB agreed, and will add language something like: “including mobile…” John M. will include this item in the list of proposed zoning changes for the March 2 meeting. The legal notice for the public hearing on zoning will be in the March 3 Landmark.
8:40 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Feb. 3. Ann N. offered to attend CMRPC meeting on March 10 if no one else is available.
8:50 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   ANR plan for Wheeler Road and documents from bldg. inspector

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department